May 1998 Newsletter
(Volume 1, Number 5)
Palolo Kwannon Temple
On January 18, 1998, at the invitation of Reverend Eishin Irene Matsumoto of the Palolo Kwannon Temple in Honolulu, Divine Mother Audrey gave a presentation on the beloved Kwannon Sama, who is revered by Buddhists throughout the world as the beautiful Goddess of Mercy and Compassion. The Palolo Kwannon Temple is affiliated with the Tendai Buddhist sect. Our deepest thanks to Reverend Matsumoto and her congregation for their hospitality and warm reception to the spiritual family.
Reverend Matsumoto took over the leadership of the Palolo temple from her husband, Bishop Chiko Richard Matsumoto, after he passed away. She undertook rigorous training and discipline at the Mount Hiei gyoin (i.e., Buddhist training center), near Kyoto, Japan. Upon successful completion of her training, Reverend Matsumoto became qualified as a resident minister in 1996. Reverend Matsumoto had previously been an elementary school teacher for 28 years, and gave up her teaching career to carry on the works of her husband. Her late mother in law, Myosei Matsumoto, was the primary force behind establishing Palolo Kwannon Temple in 1935. Myosei Matsumoto was renown for her healing abilities, which she attributed to a divine visitation from Kwannon Sama. The Matsumotos have been well known throughout the years for their kindness and selfless, loving service to their congregation and community.
Divine Mother Audrey’s Message
Honoring Lord Buddha
Siddharta Guatama was born in southern Nepal around 563 B.C. His father was a wealthy ruler of the Shakya tribe, and Siddharta was raised in luxury. At the time of his birth, a prediction was made that he would either become a universal ruler or universal teacher, and that four signs would show him which path he was destined to follow.
Notwithstanding his father’s efforts, Siddharta saw the following four signs at age 29 which set his destiny, and moved him to renounce his earthly luxuries, as well as his wife and infant son: 1. old age, 2. sickness, 3. death, and 4. equanimity. Siddharta understood that the first three signs represented misery and suffering in the world, and equanimity as the liberated state from suffering to be found in true inner peace.
Siddharta wanted to solve the mystery of suffering, its cause and its cessation. Leaving behind his wealth and family, he began what is known as his Noble Quest. He wandered as a monk for years. He also lived in a forest with a small band of other ascetics, and practiced extreme forms of self denial and mortification. He eventually left the ascetics, and taught that one should live life in a balanced way, called the Middle Way, where extreme forms of self denial as well as the sheer pursuit of human desires are moderated. At the age of 35, Siddharta sat under a bodhi tree for 49 days in intense meditation to solve this riddle of suffering. Mara, the Buddhist devil, tempted and attacked him in various ways, but Siddharta was not moved. On the morning of the 49th day, Siddharta attained enlightenment, and emerged as the Buddha, which means “Enlightened One.”
Lord Buddha returned to the forest where the ascetics lived, and preached his first sermon to them, setting in motion the Wheel of the Law. Lord Buddha taught that one must understand the Four Noble Truths of: suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the Eighthfold Path that leads to the cessation of suffering. The Eighthfold Path consists of knowing the truth, having right thought, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and concentration. The ultimate reality is the state of nirvana, a transcendent state of true peace where one is free from the bondage of selfish desires, cravings and worldly attachments.
Lord Buddha gained many disciples and devotees, and he created the sangha, or monastic community. Many years after Lord Buddha’s passing, several schools emerged, including Theravada, Sarvastivada, Mahasanghikas, Mahayama, Hinayana, Mantrayana, Zen, and many subsects which eventually spread from India to China, Japan, and many countries all over the world.
In the process of following the Eighthfold Path, one develops more compassionate, loving qualities towards his fellow man and all living creatures. We celebrate and honor the lives of all great spiritual masters who, like Lord Buddha, pave the way for others to find liberation and enlightenment.
Lane Nakamura’s Testimony
Uncovering Love
When I was still a young boy, I met Divine Mother. From the very moment I sat in front of her, I could feel her Love. Just being in her presence gave me a feeling of safety and peace that I never experienced before. (Read More)